Decor Stones ismanufacturer and supplier of Indian Flexible Thin Slate Stone Veneer based inJaipur, India. This 2 mm Thin Flexible Stone veneer is made of Real Naturalstone surface and it is flexible too. It is used for both interior and exteriorand especially where the bending to a curved surface is required. It is calledby many names such as Slim Stone Veneer, Thin Stone Veneer, Flex Stone etc.
The Black Slate FlexibleStone Veneer Sheets can be used in various interior & exterior applicationslike Wall cladding, false ceiling, furniture decoration, doors, TV cabinet etc.
The Black Slate Flexible Stone Veneer is just 1 - 2 mm thin & we make it insizes 60x30 cm, 122x61 cm, 244x122 cm. Being a Natural stone, it has somevariation in color & texture of each sheet. We also supply Fire RetardantBlack Slate Flexible Stone Veneer.